the mpp difference
Our approach
Working with MPP
MPP uses a ground-breaking approach that integrates deep knowledge of technology lifecycles, market adoption patterns, magnitude of disruption measurements, and optimal patent portfolio construction to achieve extraordinary patent results. We don’t produce your patents – we build the strategy you will use to maximize the return on your technology ownership.
You wouldn’t build a fence without a plan. You need to define a budget and understand the purpose of the fence. An assessor must identify and verify the boundaries. A designer works with you to select the materials and layout. And, a professional a builder should install it so it will remain sturdy and whole for a long time into the future.
Consider MPP your IP architect and general contractor. We work with you, your engineers, and your patent attorney to create a Patent Strategy Plan that business goals and budget to maximize your return on IP spend.
Own your technology
determines how many inventions should be patent protected
when to protect them
where to protect them, and how to protect them
Final Result
MPP’s Strategic Patent Plan leaves no gaps (i.e., no design-around options) and enables superior ownership to control who and how the technology is used; and it does all of this with no waste.
Office Hours
Daily – 9:30 am to 6:30 pm
Sunday – 08:00 am to 11:30 am
Holidays – 08:00 am to 3:00 pm